General Dentistry

Tooth Extraction Cost

3 Key Factors that Affect Price

Tooth Extraction CostHow much is tooth extraction? It is a little difficult to give an exact value because there are several factors that affect the cost of tooth extraction in Sydney.

At North Ryde Dentistry, we do thorough examinations using X-rays to accurately determine the health of the tooth and the most suitable treatment plan for safe and effective tooth removal. This will usually dictate the estimated cost of your tooth extraction.

Let’s dive in and look at the 3 factors that greatly influence tooth extraction cost.

  • Severity of Decay or Fracture

Of course, the more extensive the decay, the more costly the tooth extraction treatment will be. Decay causes the tooth to become brittle and more prone to tooth fracture.

And because some patients postpone their tooth extraction until it is too late, the tooth is likely already fractured.

With fractures, there is less tooth structure that your Macquarie dentist can use to grip the tooth and remove it out of the socket. This makes the case more tedious.

And because the tooth is brittle, it usually crumbles while your dentist tries to wiggle it out.

  • Difficulty of the Case

There is what we call simple and surgical extraction. Simple extraction cases are those that are pretty straightforward where your dentist North Ryde will numb the area, then pull out the teeth.

Meanwhile, surgical cases are those that require more work than usual. And these would cost more.

Some surgical causes include teeth that have an infection, are impacted or submerged in bone, wisdom teeth removal and multiple tooth removal.

  • Presence of Infection

In some cases, infection can be present and it will present a range of symptoms depending on how serious it is. Inflammation of the gums may occur while severe cases will show swelling on one side of the face with intense pain.

Infection will need to subside first before dental extraction because anaesthaesia will likely not work in these cases.  This will involve extensive and expensive dental work.

Your dentist Ryde will first prescribe antibiotics to address infection before tooth removal. For severe facial swelling, medical attention may be required.

Looking to have your tooth extraction today? At North Ryde Dentistry, we take pride in being the go-to dental clinic with the most affordable tooth extraction cost.

Tooth extraction cost in Sydney can go way over $300, but at North Ryde Dentistry, you can get a simple tooth removal for only $230! That’s the cheapest offer you can find in Macquarie Park and among many dental clinics in Sydney.

Visit North Ryde Dentistry for affordable dental services with absolutely zero compromise. We have the best standards in Dentistry at a fraction of the usual cost. And these are just among the best benefits you can get with our care.

I Graduated from Sydney University Bachelor of Dentistry with Honours. During my University studies, I was awarded the University of Sydney Academic Merit prize, awarded to the top performing student in each faculty.

20 Jun, 2022

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